Video Library

Who Are We?

See what sets Donelson apart as a pavement technologies company.


PressurePave® is a system that combines a custom-made crack seal formula, injected by a matrix of pressurized boxes, with a thin and highly durable asphalt overlay.

PCI Rating

PressurePave® is designed to treat pavements that are normally not suitable for conventional pavement preservation methods such as hot rubber crack seal, slurry, microsurfacing, and seal coat.

Optimize Your Street Program

PressurePave® allows agencies to treat streets that would fall in the mill and overlay category while spending significantly less. By supplementing PressurePave into a street program, agencies can effectively treat twice as many streets with the same budget while adding a durable surface layer with a history of 12-15 year surface life.

Part 1: Mill and Overlay VS PressurePave

Can PressurePave® be used in place of the common mill and asphalt overlay process?
The short answer is Yes!
There will always be a need for the mill and asphalt overlay in street programs. Mill and overlay is excellent at building structure and correcting imperfections in the overall rideability of the road, but it does have some downsides.

Part 2: Mill and Overlay vs PressurePave

Two great examples of PressurePave® replacing mill and overlay are Lincoln, NE and Irving, TX. In both cases they experienced a significant cost savings, which resulted in more dollars spent on reconstruction. BUT can PressurePave® hold up over time when applied on streets in poor condition? The answer is yes, and we have the historical data to prove it. In the video above, it shows just some of the results we have seen from PressurePave over time.

PressurePave vs. Microsurfacing:
Revolutionizing Street Maintenance

Although microsurfacing and PressurePave are used in vastly different applications within a pavement maintenance program, there are some cosmetic similarities. Due to these similarities, it is important to understand what you, as a city or county, are purchasing and how they perform.

Residential Cul-de-sacs

Cul-de-sacs take an astonishing amount of abuse from the twisting/turning of trash trucks and other vehicles. Unique problems demand unique solutions which is why we developed and patented “The Cul-de-sac Truck.”

PressurePave and Cul-De-Sacs

Understanding the unique stresses placed on Cul-de-sacs, Donelson Construction has taken a proactive approach to extend the lifespan of cul-de-sacs. Michael Donelson introduces their patented technology: a specially designed truck that applies a durable material to the road surface, tailored to withstand the rigors of twisting and turning traffic.

PressurePave: Where's the Proof?

Specs are great but what about historical data?

City, county, and state agencies lean heavily on specs, relying on them to indicate a process or product's performance. In many cases, following DOT specs does not guarantee success. Especially when utilizing multiple rock, oil, and chemistry suppliers (whoever is closest to the project). A contractor is essentially HOPING all the product's components will work perfectly together. Without historical data with those specific components, utilizing the untested combination can be a gamble.

PressurePave: Traffic Ready within 30 Minutes

30 Minute Application = 15 Years Surface Life

I think most municipalities would agree, if a construction process provides good results but receives negative feedback from the general public, that process will likely not be in their program for long. Negative feedback is the bane of any contractor but one of the easiest ways to get on someone's bad side is to keep them from where they need to go. Therefore, the most popular contractors or pavement preservation methods are the ones with the fastest return to traffic.

Doubling A Street Program

If you are one of the lucky few, your paving budget has increased to meet rising asphalt prices. Most cities and counties are not so lucky. What if you could maintain the same budget yet pave twice as many streets?

Option #1 You mill and asphalt overlay 10 miles and treat the streets in poor condition (PCI scores 30 - 60)

Option #2 You PressurePave 20 miles and treat streets in poor to moderate condition (PCI scores 40 and above).

Can PressurePave Defy Reflective Cracking?

Cracking is the first step on a downward spiral of a pavement's life. Why? Because cracking introduces water, oxygen, and overall exposure to the base underneath. Many believe the solution is to shave off 1 to 2 inches of asphalt and hope that erases the cracking issue. Not only is that expensive, but what if it doesn't work? What if there are still cracks under the new surface you just applied? Applying any surface over an existing crack will ultimately lead to reflective cracking. This is when an existing crack reappears on the new surface applied over it. Depending on how thick the new surface is will determine how long until the crack will reappear.

Typically, 1 inch per year.

For example, a 1 inch asphalt overlay will show a reflective crack within 1 year, a 2 inch asphalt will show a reflective crack within 2 years.